Monday, January 16, 2012

thanks to all who pray for me.
im sry i scare my family and friends but i just took 3 valiums from my grandpa with wine and pass out bad.
andy was pretty scare as my parents and friends but i just wana like pass out sleep quick to scape and just sleep and forget bout everything.
they took my to ICU but i wasn`t in a coma, thanks god coz i wasnt typing then. i was in ICU just for couple of hours.
i feel everything but proud or happy bout my self. im pretty shame and sad, specially coz andy, he was pretty scare.
they performe an scan just to b sure but was just 3 valiums and not a bunch of pills how was every body thinking, like if i was trying to kill my self. wasnt like that.
ill spend the nit at the hospital but i go home 2morrow morning.

is all

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